Eye Health Assistant
I have been in place now for 7 years at Pagan & McQuade Opticians. I now have responsibility for our suite of pre-screening instruments which form part of your initial assessment before entering the Optometrist’s consulting room. Where age appropriate, I check eye pressures, visual fields, and auto-refraction.
As part of our Advanced Eyecare Service, I provide your Optometrist with laser scans below the surface of your retina with our Optical Coherance Tomographer and our Optomap allows laser imaging toward the outer edges of your retina, well beyond that achieved with a conventional retinal camera.
All this information is then examined by the Optometrist to give greater reassurance to you that your eyes are healthy all the way out to the edges and in the deeper layers that cannot be seen in a standard examination.
Outside work I enjoy going to the gym and keeping fit.