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Low Vision Service

NHS Low Vision Clinic

We provide a FREE NHS low vision assessment if you wear spectacles or contact lenses and they are insufficient to correct your eyesight to a satisfactory, serviceable standard, perhaps because you have an associated eye condition resulting in reduced vision such as a corneal opacity, retinal macular disease or other eye health issues, funded by our local NHS. This FREE NHS Low Vision Assessment Clinic is based at Pagan & McQuade Opticians or we can come to your home for your assessment if you have mobility issues.

If you are found to need low vision aid equipment to help you see to a better standard such as a magnifier or telescope then we can also provide those on loan from the NHS .. also free of charge. Entitlement to this service requires you to be registered with a local GP practice. We also offer low vision assessments privately and we have some very clever, state of the art digital magnifiers in practice to show you.

Want to know more?

If you think you or one of your relatives may be suitable for this service, please contact us for more information. Speak to any of us, but if you happen to speak with Marie, she runs the service.

Perhaps most importantly at the end of the examination, time is allocated for advice about your eyes to be given, for any questions you may have to be fully answered and for a full explanation of the benefits for you of the optometrist’s advice. Our clients tell us how much they value the time we spend with them and the reassurance this provides.

Call us on 01723 371250 to set up an appointment or arrange a demonstration.

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